Depression Interventions for People Who Refuse Treatment
Understand that depression is not your fault. Learn how it works and affects the sufferer. The best way to intervene in a loved one's depression is ask them how you can help.
What To Say
Let your loved one know she is not alone and that you are available. Share with her how important she is to you and you want to help. Encourage her to not give up and to take it hour by hour if need be.
What Not to Say
Do not blame, judge, minimize or dismiss his feelings. Do not expect him to just "get over it" or "cheer up." Do not suggest that everyone suffers from depression, or feels the same way.
A child needs conversations about depression on her level. Remove the fear of treatment by equating depression to another illness that requires a doctor to help make it better.
If the depressed individual is showing suicidal tendencies, get help immediately through emergency medical services. Have local emergency numbers available.