How to Stop Feeling Depressed & Suicidal
Determine why you're depressed. Until you figure out the reason behind your depression, it is going to be difficult to cure it. Keep in mind that the cause of depression may be something obvious, such as the loss of a loved one. It also may be something that you will need to discuss with your doctor, such as the side effect of a certain medication or health condition.
Find things that make you feel happy. Various studies have shown that animals make people happy. Spending more time with a pet or adopting one can be a great way to cheer yourself up. Upbeat music also makes many people feel happy. For others, the key to happiness may be making others happy, so volunteering at a charitable organization can be ideal.
Spend time with people you enjoy being around. Whether you are going to be spending time with family, friends or co-workers, it is best to avoid shutting yourself away from the world. Talking to people whom you trust about anything that you are dealing with is a good idea. Even more importantly, you should try to avoid spending too much time by yourself, or it is only going to make you feel lonely. Remember that it's important to avoid being around people who are negative while you're depressed, as they will only make you feel worse.
Come up with a list of ways to keep busy. The less that you are at home, the less time you will have to think about how depressed you are. When you're not at school or work, it is important to find ways to keep yourself occupied. It may be going to the movies or shopping with friends. Students will want to stay involved in extracurricular activities. The more that you are doing, the better you are going to feel.
Visit a psychologist to discuss what you are going through. Since psychologists have been trained to help people deal with their problems, you may benefit more than talking to a friend or family member. There is also a chance that you could be suffering from a mental condition. While a psychologist cannot actually prescribe medication, they will be able to tell if you may have a mental condition that is causing your depression or suicidal desires.
Seek help if you are feeling strongly about suicide. Telling a loved one, checking yourself into a hospital or calling a suicide hot line (1-800-SUICIDE) can all be great ways to get the help you need. Remember that getting help is the best way to make yourself feel better and prevent yourself from hurting anyone around you.