Successful Treatment for Depression
The Food and Drug Administration has approved several antidepressant medications that work by altering the biochemicals in your brain that affect mood when an imbalance exists.
A mental health counselor can provide a safe place for you to discuss your feelings. A therapist can help by listening and helping you find an effective treatment for your depression.
For some people, successful depression treatment required a combination of medication and psychotherapy. Medication can treat chemical imbalances of the brain, while the psychotherapy explores behavior changes you can make to effectively deal with your depression.
Electroconvulsive Therapy
In severe depression, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) might be considered as a treatment option. ECT involves running electrical currents through the brain. This option is only considered if psychotherapy and medication treatments prove ineffective.
Residential Treatment Programs
If the risk of suicide exists, you might be required to go to a residential treatment program specializing in depression. These treatment programs offer 24-hour patient care and provide support to help people overcome depression.