What Is Grief and Do I Need Counseling?

Grief occurs when you experience a loss of someone or something you care about. Death, divorce, illness and job loss are some things that can cause you to feel grief. Sometimes the symptoms of grief become unmanageable and require counseling.
  1. Symptoms of Grief

    • While everyone experiences grief in her own way, common symptoms are crying, disturbed sleep, appetite changes, confusion and listlessness.


    • If you cannot sleep at all for several nights, or if your loss is several months in the past and you still cannot sleep, you may need counseling.


    • If you are continually missing work or avoiding friends or if your grieving otherwise is keeping you from living your normal life, you may need counseling for depression.

    Substance Abuse

    • See a counselor if you find yourself turning to alcohol and drugs to deal with your grief.

    Suicidal Thoughts

    • If you have any thoughts of suicide, seek counseling.

    Time Frame

    • Recovery from grief may take a year or longer, but you eventually should begin to notice that you are feeling better. If not, ask your doctor to recommend a counselor.

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