How Can I Get My Fiance to Understand My Depression?
You may choose to have a third party present when you talk to your fiance, if it helps you to feel more comfortable. One of the keys to helping him understand your depression is to find common ground and explain your feelings in a way that he will understand.
Educate yourself on depression. It will be easier to explain your depression if you are fully educated on the subject yourself. Discuss the details of your type of depression with your doctor or therapist, and perhaps get recommendations of books that will help outline the features of your depression.
Set aside time to talk about your depression. Inform your fiance about what it is you want to discuss with him, and allow him time to prepare for it. Discussing a potentially heavy issue shouldn't happen spur of the moment or while you both are doing other activities. You should have his full attention so you can communicate the details of your depression.
Explain why you are informing your fiance about your depression. He may not understand why you feel the need to explain it. Share with him what you hope you both can gain from the conversation. If you need or want him to help you through your depression, tell him.
Keep the discussion open. Allow your fiance to ask questions about your depression, and use this session as a learning experience. Explain your feelings, thoughts, diagnosis and anything else that pertains to your depression.
Keep the lines of communication open on this topic in the future. Make sure your fiance is comfortable with the fact that this is not a taboo subject and that you may need to bring it up from time to time. This will help him feel more comfortable listening and talking about it, and it will help him to better understand your depression.