How to Prosper During a Depression
Things You'll Need
- Doctor
- Therapist or psychiatrist (possibly)
- Medication (possibly)
- Support group
Prospering During Depression
See your doctor. Some people with depression can be helped significantly with the use of medications such as Paxil, Zoloft and Lexapro. These medicines are among the most commonly used drugs for depression. They treat the physical, neurological component of depression.
Visit a qualified therapist or psychiatrist. These individuals are trained in helping depressed people to learn to cope with depression and even beat it.
Surround yourself with family and friends who love you. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Your honesty and humility can help to deepen your relationships with them.
Tap into your spiritual component. Rely on a greater power than yourself. Pray. Meditate. Look in the Bible for examples of individuals (like Job for instance) who prospered after times of despair.
Express your emotions creatively through writing, music, painting, drawing or sculpting. You may be able to use your feelings to create something of beauty.
Promote good physical and mental health by eating a well-balanced diet, exercising regularly and sleeping well.
Make time to relax and play. Say no to extra, unnecessary activities that may add to your stress.
Look for support groups in your area. By joining this type of get-together, you can gain strength for handling depression, and you might just form new friendships in the process.
Focus on future goals. Try to think about what you still want to do and experience in life. Let these thoughts motivate you in your recovery process.
Write down what you're thankful for regularly. Try to see all the good things in your life.
Reach out to others. Volunteer at a nursing home, homeless shelter or school if you are able. Helping others is very beneficial in keeping your mind off of yourself.
Realize that recovery is a process that won't happen overnight; there is no magic formula for overcoming depression. Forgive yourself if you have a bad day. Be patient as you look for personal progress.