Ways to Tell If You Are Suffering From Depression
Depression is a serious condition that affects many people around the world. Everyone feels down from time to time, but sustained feelings of despair and sadness can be cause for concern. Personal circumstance as well as internal chemical deficiencies combine to bring on fits of depression. The first step to overcoming depression is recognizing that you or a loved on has a problem. Pay attention to the following symptoms to determine if treatment is necessary.-
Emotional Symptoms
Be aware of emotional symptoms of depression. Feelings of sadness and hopelessness are common for the clinically depressed. You may find yourself feeling worthless or crying for no apparent reason. Occasional episodes of depressed behavior are normal, but ongoing problems with such feelings could be a sign that depression has set in. Suicidal thoughts or behavior should be taken especially seriously, and professional help should be sought for those who show signs of suicidal tendencies.
Physical Symptoms
Depression is more than just feeling blue. You may experience a loss of interest in normal activities that were once enjoyable, or difficulty sleeping through the night. Many people dealing with depression gain or lose weight. Some cope with depression by eating more while others cease to eat, leading to significant weight fluctuation. General feelings of restlessness are common. Depressed people often feel fatigued or weaker than normal. You may also suffer from unexplained physical problems such as tense muscles or migraines. Keep track of any physical symptoms of depression and speak with your doctor about possible solutions.
Mental Symptoms
One of the ways to tell if you are suffering form depression is if you begin to have a lot of trouble concentrating. General feelings of sadness coupled with lack of focus and difficulty making decisions could be related to clinical depression. If you feel like your mind is less sharp than it used to be and you are coping with despair or stress, consider talking with a medical professional who can evaluate you for depression treatments.