Steps to Help a Suicidal Client
Identifying the Problem
Common signs that someone is potentially considering suicide is that they are withdrawn from those that they care most about, increasingly becoming depressed and helpless about life and themselves, and reckless. In some circumstances, the individual gets angry or is easily agitated. At times, the person might abuse alcohol or drugs. These are all signs that something is not right for the person and therefore, they should get help.
Confronting the Person
Sit down with the person and talk to them about what you feel. By talking to them, what you are offering is a shoulder to lean on and an ear to talk to for this person. Oftentimes, just listening to them is all they need. By listening, you are also helping them realize that there are other things that can be done instead of taking the suicidal path.
Go to a Professional
Your friend might say to you, "Please don't tell anyone what I am thinking." Even if they swear you into secrecy, you need to go and get a professional to take care of things. If your friend refuses to talk to you because you broke a promise, at least they are still alive. A therapist will be able to help a lot more than you will because they are trained in helping people get through this. Calling numbers such as 1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-273-TALK will help you figure out what to do next. Having your friend call one of these numbers, though, would be even more beneficial.
Continue Talking With Your Friend
If the person confided in you to tell you about their plans for suicide, that means that they trust you. With this in mind, don't suddenly stop talking to your friend just because a professional has taken over. Continue to try and be there with them and explain that you support them in what they are going through. Offering words of encouragement and support often makes the therapy easier for someone who has considered suicide. They will feel as if they are alone in this, but if you are there supporting them and offering help, they will have a more successful and quick recovery.