Homeopathic Methods to Treating Depression
Recording Symptoms
Depression does not look the same from person to person. Each individual experiences different symptoms, so one homeopathic remedy will not work for everyone. This is why it's important to take an inventory of what you are experiencing with your depression. Make a list of your symptoms. Some common symptoms of depression include irritability, insomnia, weight loss and fatigue.
Next rate the severity of each symptom. One a scale of 1 to 10, rate each symptom, with 1 being not disruptive of your life activities or painful, to 10 being excruciatingly painful or completely preventing you from living your daily life.
Identifying Triggers
Now that you understand how depression affects you, it's important to pinpoint what is causing the depression. What triggers these symptoms? Do you feel especially irritable when you are at work? Do you become nervous when you have to speak on the phone? Take a look at your life and understand what is happening that might cause these symptoms, which will be important in selecting a treatment option.
Considering Options
Depending on your symptoms and keeping your personality in mind, there could be thousands of treatment options. If nervousness and irritability are issues, try avena sativa. Avena sativa helps stress and nervousness, especially if headaches are present. Chamomilla is helpful for those experiencing nervous irritability as well.
Sleeplessness and insomnia are often symptoms of depression. Insomnia can include waking up frequently throughout the night, lying awake while trying to sleep, waking up too early or not sleeping at all. For sleeplessness due to depression, gelsemium is an option, especially for those who cannot fall asleep due to racing thoughts about work or other responsibilities.
Some grocery stores and pharmacies sell homepathic sleep aids that are often available over the counter and may not be habit forming. Aconite and ignatia are also used in cases of sleeplessness due to depression, particularly due to grief. According to AltMD.com, "These preparations are taken at 6c strength every 15 to 30 minutes for three doses daily over a period of a couple weeks."
Arsenicum album is another option for those who are experiencing a combination of fatigue, insecurity and anxiety.
Beginning Treatment
It is highly recommended that you seek the help of a professional homeopath. She will know the right questions to ask and may have a wealth of knowledge about treatments. The National Center for Homeopathy has a database of homeopathic practitioners, so you can find a local one.
If you choose to not seek out a homeopath but would like to begin homeopathic treatment anyway, speak with a homeopathy expert at a local health store to get more information about dosing and interaction before you begin a treatment.
Next Steps
Because depression is so complex and individualistic, no one remedy is guaranteed to help anyone. Depression is a serious issue. If the homeopathic treatment is not working, seek professional mental health care, especially if you are feeling suicidal or like you may hurt someone. If you feel suicidal, call an emergency line such as 911, or call a hot line such as 800-SUICIDE or 800-23-TALK immediately.