Remeron & Weight Loss
According to, Remeron works primarily by increasing the amount of norepinephrine and serotonin produced. While the precise mechanism of how Remeron works is unknown, it is believed to have an effect on certain receptors which help regulate the amount of norepinephrine and serotonin that is produced. Depression is associated with a decreased level of norepinephrine and serotonin so this drug acts by increasing their levels.
Weight Loss
Remeron is not well associated with weight loss. only notes weight loss as one of the several uncommon and adverse side-effects that occurred during the trial evaluation of this drug. The majority of information involving Remeron's association with weight is about weight gain. While weight loss may occur, it appears to be a less common side-effect, and therefore no precise information is available as to why it may occur or how much weight loss can be expected.
Weight Gain
Weight gain is a rather common side-effect when taking Remeron. An overview on the generic version, mirtazapine, by identified that about 12 percent of those who take the drug experience weight gain. Furthermore, 17 percent of patients who take the drug also experience an increase in appetite. It is not accurately known as to how much weight gain can be expected, however one study observed an average weight gain of 5.3 pounds for 11 patients in the first week of drug use.
The precise reason as to why weight gain occurs when taking this drug is unknown. Joel Lamoure for identifies that it may be a secondary effect to the drug's interaction with norepinephrine and serotonin related receptors. Another reason could be that it has an effect on the neurological controls that regulate food intake, which then alter metabolic rate, fat mass and appetite levels.
Side Effects
Remeron also comes with several other side effects. As noted by, nearly half of the patients who take Remeron experience sleepiness and drowsiness. Dizziness and increased appetite are also common side effects. If one stops taking the drug abruptly they may experience headaches, nausea, dizziness and changes in mood.