Cipramil & Weight Loss
Cipramil works like most other selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Serotonin is one of the various neurotransmitters that are used by your brain to send chemical signals. As noted by, depression is related to an imbalance in serotonin levels. This can range from a low level of serotonin present in the brain to a lack of receptor sites for the serotonin to latch onto. Cipramil prevents serotonin from being reabsorbed by nerve cells after it has been released. This increases the presence of serotonin in the brain, returning serotonin levels to a more normal state and positively affecting mood state.
Cipramil may result in minor weight loss in some patients. As supported by, Cipramil controlled trials resulted in a weight loss of about 0.5 kg (1.1 lb.) for patients who took Cipramil compared to no change in weight for patients on a placebo pill. Weight loss appears to be very modest or negligible. identifies loss of appetite as a common symptom of depression and is likely the major contributor to weight loss when suffering from depression and also when taking an SSRI drug.
Weight gain can occur when on a Cipramil regimen. Weight gain is noted as a common side effect of Cipramil by However, it appears that the reason SSRIs like Cipramil cause weight gain is relatively unknown. Some patients suffering from depression may have a greater appetite. Due to their low levels of serotonin, patients suffering from depression may eat a greater amount of carbohydrates which often contain tryptophan, the chemical that serotonin is produced from.
- notes that this increased intake of carbohydrates to help make up for the lack of serotonin present can often lead to weight gain of a couple of kg or even 10 kg (22 lbs.). Poor diet and prolonged physical inactivity can also attribute to weight gain when suffering from depression and taking medication.
Some SSRI antidepressant drugs can cause more weight gain than others, as noted by Cipramil users may experience either weight gain or weight loss. The latter may occur simply due to an individual's reaction to the drug, or may be attributed to depression-induced loss of appetite. Most medical sites indicate that weight loss and weight gain with SSRI drugs such as Cipramil result in less than 5 kg (11 lbs.) of weight loss or weight gain.