Side Effects of Celapram
Celapram is a selective-serotonin-re-uptake inhibitor, or SSRI.
What is Celapram?
Celapram is a prescription antidepressant that contains the active ingredient citalopram hydrobromide. Celapram belongs to a class of medications knows as selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, or SSRIs.
SSRIs are thought to alleviate depression symptoms by balancing the chemicals in the brain that become unbalanaced in cases of depression.
Contraindications of Celapram
You shouldn't take Celapram if you are allergic to any ingredient in the medication.
If you are currently taking a monoamine-oxidase inhibitor, or MAOI, or have taken one in the past 14 days, you must wait at least two weeks after your last dose of MAOI before taking Celapram to avoid a possible drug interaction. Speak to your doctor to determine if you are currently taking or have taken a drug that is classified as an MAOI in the past two weeks.
If you are pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant, have liver, heart or kidney disease, have a bleeding disorder or have any food or drug allergies, tell your doctor before you take Celapram.
Possible drug interactions
If you are taking any of the following medications, caution should be exercised while taking Celapram: MAOIs including moclobemide, phenelzine, tranylcypromine; any other antidepressant medication; sumatriptan; tramadol; lithium, diuretics; Cimetidine; Carbamazepine; Metropolol; NSAIDs like aspirin or ibuprofen or Warfarin.
If you take any of these medicines, discuss with your doctor the risks, benefits and methods in which you must take Celapram before taking your first dose.
Common Side Effects
There are several common side effects associated with Celapram usage. These are usually minimal, decrease with time and do not cause enough discomfort for patients to discontinue Celapram.
These side effects include nausea, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, sleepiness, dry mouth, sweating, tremor, problems with ejaculation (in males), dizziness, headache, insomnia, weakness, vision disturbances, vaginal bleeding and heart palpitations.
Serious Side Effects
If you experience any kind of rash, are vomiting blood, have dark blood in your feces, or have any kind of abnormal bruising or bleeding, discontinue use of Celapram immediately and contact your doctor.
As with any medication, if you develop a yellow tinge to your skin or eyes, contact your physician at once as this signifies the failure of the liver in metabolizing your medications. This condition is known as jaundice and can be life-threatening if it is not treated promptly.