How to Deal With Depression in Women
What To Do
Recognize the symptoms of depression. Treatment begins by realizing that there is a problem. Indicators of depression in women include feeling worthless, hopeless or guilt; thoughts of death or suicide; appetite/weight changes; chronic fatigue or lack of interest; changed sleeping patterns; and difficulty concentrating. There may be other, smaller signs. Using a trustworthy depression reference, a book that thoroughly explains symptoms and treatments, can help you get fuller a picture of your own particular situation. One well-respected reference is "Women & Depression" by M. Sara Rosenthal.
Learn the causes of depression. Understanding the underlying causes can aid in getting effective treatment. Biological causes include premenstrual problems, specifically PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder), postpartum depression and pregnancy/infertility. There are also some cultural and social causes of depression in women. These include relationship dissatisfaction, poverty, gender role strain (fulfilling too many roles as a woman; i.e., wife, worker, mom, student) and sexual or physical abuse.
Get diagnosed. This involves seeing a therapist. A licensed professional will ask you questions to determine if you are at high risk for depression before making her diagnosis. The answers you provide will also help in your treatment plan.
Decide on a treatment plan. Treatment can range from medication and therapy to concentrated therapy focusing on female-centered causes and symptoms. With pregnancy, fertility, menstrual or menopausal causes that are related to a hormone imbalance, antidepressants and/or hormone therapy may be in order. With some of the other causes, like gender roles and relationship trouble, extensive private therapy combined with medication may be needed.