How to Beat Reactive Depression
Things You'll Need
- Antidepressants
- Therapist
Find a therapist in your area. At, follow the link in references for finding a therapist. Schedule several initial appointments to find a therapist you feel comfortable talking to.
Set up aconsistent appointment schedule with your chosen therapist. This will give you a routine to look forward to when working out your problems.
Go to a support group that offers guidance for people with your specific problems. Give the group a couple of weeks before deciding if it is right for you.
Get exercise. Working out can alleviate stress and boost your mood. Join a gym or check out exercise classes---such as yoga or Pilates---that appeal to you. Ask a friend to come along to give you extra motivation.
Go to social events. Isolation is one of the symptoms of depression. Overanalyzing and lack of an outside support system can also worsen symptoms. Schedule specific days to visit friends or family.
Schedule an appointment with a physician or psychiatrist to get a prescription for antidepressants. Prozac, Lexapro, Paxil and Zoloft are just a few of the antidepressants commonly prescribed. Generally, these medications take a few weeks to build up in the system before you start to feel their effects.