How to Manage PTSD Symptoms
Get therapy. Talking to a therapist helps to get through many of the problems associated with PTSD. Therapists teach coping methods and give suggestions on how to deal with problematic situations. They also provide an outlet for emotions and tears without judgment, and give an honest, unbiased opinion on issues.
Try medication. Anti-depressants are effective at treating depression associated with PTSD. A wide range of medications are available for depression treatment including Zoloft, Prozac and Paxil. Anti-anxiety medications treat PTSD anxiety. Anxiety medications such as Xanax provide immediate relief, while those such as Klonopin are maintenance medications that keep daily anxiety at bay.
Join a support group. PTSD can cause feelings of isolation. Because no one can truly empathize with PTSD unless they've been through it themselves, joining a group of people who have PTSD helps alleviate the feelings of being alone. Learning from others with similar problems about their coping techniques can also help with day-to-day living. It also provides a place to meet new friends.
Lean on friends. Current friends and family may not completely understand PTSD, but they can provide emotional support and a shoulder to cry on. Never underestimate the helpfulness of simply talking to someone about issues, even if they have no advice. Hearing that someone cares is sometimes enough to get through dark times.
Have a backup plan. Talk with friends, family, therapists and doctors to come up with emergency plans. Depression can lead to suicide, and friends and family need to have a plan of action if the depression gets to that stage for protection.