Free Online Help for Depression

Many people suffer from depression but don't get treatment because of the cost or because they are too embarrassed to seek help. It is always better to seek professional treatment if depression is interfering with your ability to function. However, there is free online help available to make it easier to cope until you are able to see a professional.
  1. Self Assessment

    • While an online assessment cannot provide a diagnosis of depression, it can give you and idea of whether you can attempt to handle your mood problems yourself or whether you really should seek professional help right away. The Mayo Clinic has an excellent self-assessment tool on their website. If your self assessment indicates serious depression or if you have any thoughts of harming yourself, seek help immediately from a suicide prevention hotline or from your local hospital.

    Online Exercises

    • If you've determined that you can handle your down mood, at least for the time being, online exercises may help you cope and develop strategies to ease your down mood somewhat. New Day Counseling offers a free online course on depression designed by a licensed psychotherapist. Another online tool, MoodGym, is an interactive program designed by the Centre for Mental Health Research at the Australian National University, and is focused on cognitive behavior treatment methods.

    Online Chat Rooms

    • Sometimes it helps to discuss your feelings with others who are in similar circumstances. Online depression support chats operate much like in-person support groups or group therapy. There are chat rooms devoted to different areas of mood disorders, such as panic attacks and anger management, as well as those which focus on general depression support.

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