Yohimbe Medical Facts
Yohimbe increases the blood flow in the sex organs, making it a very popular sexual enhancement drug.
The herb can be used alone, but it is often taken as a supplement to many antidepressants known to negatively affect the libido.
Yohimbe bark is dried and used in teas or pulverized for use in capsule or tablet form. Consult a doctor before using in conjunction with antidepressants or to self-treat a low libido.
Side Effects
The active ingredient in yohimbe is yohimbine, which has a few known side effects. They include: low blood pressure, heart attack, sleep dysfunction, paralysis, vomiting, chills and even death. The National Institutes of Health warns pregnant women, kidney and psychiatric patients to avoid yohimbe.
Despite the marketing used by many yohimbe supplement manufacturers, the herb has not completed clinical trials and is not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.