Side Effects of Cipralex: Weight Loss
Cipralex is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, or an SSRI for short. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that assists in how your brain sends signals from one place to another. Depression is correlated with an imbalance of serotonin levels. A lack of serotonin is related to a decrease in mood which can lead to depression. By preventing serotonin from being taken back up by the nerve cells that initially release it, Cipralex allows more serotonin to be present as a neurotransmitter which positively influences mood.
Weight Loss or Gain
According to, short-term treatment with this medication should never increase or reduce weight for the majority of patients with depression. One of the infrequent side effects is a decrease in appetite; however, weight gain is more frequently experienced for those who take Cipralex.
Cipralex Weight Gain
Cipralex is an SSRI, a known cause of weight gain in patients. The precise mechanisms behind SSRI's and weight gain are unknown. According to, those who have taken SSRI antidepressant drugs for six months or more are more likely to experience weight gain as a possible side-effect. However, it is believed that SSRI drugs may have an effect on appetite and metabolism over time thus resulting in possible weight gain.
Medication Effects
While taking Cipralex, it may be difficult to tell if the weight gain accumulated during the drug use is actually attributed to effects by the medication. identifies that people who gain weight during the first week of SSRI antidepressant drug use are more likely to gain additional weight over time because of the medication. Alternatively, a loss in weight may occur if you react well from Cipralex due to a decrease in your body's need to take in excess carbohydrates.
Weight Loss
Everybody may react differently when taking an antidepressant drug. If taking Cipralex does not reduce appetite and weight, instead causing weight gain, then there are several measures that you can take. First, it is advised to reduce the amount of refined sugars and processed fats you eat. Secondly, increase your uptake of fruits and vegetables to help create a quicker feeling of being full. Finally, engaging in regular exercise has been positively correlated with an increase in mood and reduction in stress levels.