Narcissistic Victim Syndrome
Narcissists are interpersonally exploitative, and require excessive attention and admiration from others. They often manipulate and abuse those close to them in order to receive the attention they require.
Narcissist often solicit attention by making those near them feel special, only to withdraw that praise once the victim is ensnared. Thus, may victims of narcissists show signs of codependence, unable to realize how they got into the situation.
Though anyone can suffer from narcissistic victim syndrome, the majority tend to be middle aged women. This bears out statistics indicating that the majority of narcissists are men (and thus that wives and/or girlfriends are often victimized).
Victims of narcissists may show signs of depression, anxiousness, insomnia, unfounded fears and unexpected weight loss or gain.
Treatment of narcissistic victims usually entails counseling and therapy designed to restore the victims' sense of self esteem. Patients must cut the narcissist out of their lives: providing clinical distance to let them view their relationships more objectively.