What Is Teen Depression?
Teen depression should not be confused with the common teenage temper tantrum, bad mood, or rebellious act. Depression affects teenagers on a level that can destroy their social, academic, and family lives. Untreated cases of depression can lead to self infliction of pain or even suicide.
According to help guide.org, symptoms of teenage depression are sadness or hopelessness, irritability, anger or hostility, tearfulness or frequent crying, withdrawal from friends and family, loss of interest in activities, changes in eating and sleeping habits, restlessness and agitation, feelings of worthlessness and guilt, lack of enthusiasm and motivation, fatigue or lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, thoughts of death or suicide
Teen depression is life threatening and unfortunately can end with suicide. Warning signs of suicide are giving away possessions, saying goodbye to loved ones, joking about suicide, and referencing death often.
Speaking to the teen is the first step. If the child denies that there is anything wrong the parent/guardian should not push the issue. Make an appointment with a family doctor. He/she will recommend a specialist trained in teen depression.
The specialist caring for the teenager will determine if prescription antidepressants will help balance the teen's emotions. If prescribed, the teen will meet with the specialist on a normal basis to track the effects and progress being made.