Overcoming Extreme Depression
Support System
Depression is an insidious illness that may cause the sufferers to shut out those people closest to them. A strong support system of friends and family can help the depressed person recognize their symptoms. Those lucky enough to have friends and family around them have a strong weapon in their arsenal against depression.
Depression groups and even forums online can also be helpful. You will likely need to move outside your comfort zone and interact with the others. Sharing experiences with those who are going through the same thing can help you overcome the feeling of isolation that is part of the extreme depression experience.
Counseling and Talk Therapy
Counseling and talk therapy is a good approach for mild and moderate depression. Extreme or severe depression can benefit from counseling as part of the treatment plan. Counseling gives patients an opportunity to explore the causes of their depression and find alternative ways of looking at the problems. Cognitive behavioral therapy offers depression sufferers a look at some of the unrealistic emotions they are experiencing and replaces them with thoughts that are more realistic. Keeping a journal of thoughts and experiences can be helpful during this type of therapy.
One-on-one therapy with a counselor or group therapy are both available for depressed patients to talk through their feelings and find a new way of looking at the world. Severely depressed patients may find this form of therapy very difficult, but it is a positive step.
Antidepressant medications used in conjunction with talk therapy can be very beneficial to the extremely depressed patient. These medications restore a balance to some of the brain chemicals that may be causing the depression.
A number of antidepressant medications are on the market; it may be a matter of trial and error to find the correct medication and dosage. These medications help many people overcome depression, but there are side effects, which can include a worsening of depression symptoms. Discuss with your doctor any side effects that you may experience.