Atypical Depression Treatment
Atypical Treatments
Most atypical treatments for depression focus on lifting the spirit or reconnecting with yourself.
Identify a higher calling for your life. Whether this is volunteering with an organization you believe in or attending a church service, serving other people will allow you less time to dwell on your problems.
Keep a journal. By writing down your feelings, both good and bad, you are acknowledging them. Write for 20 minutes daily about anything that comes to mind. Don't edit yourself. Writing can help you figure out a course you need to take or identify a problem you didn't realize was affecting your disposition.
Exercise, in addition to being good for your heart, is good for your emotions. A physical workout releases endorphins, the feel-good chemicals in your brain. Any activity will do, as long as it is something you enjoy.
Sun-gazing may help those with Seasonal Affective Disorder. The Mayo Clinic defines SAD as a depression that "occurs at the same time every year. If you're like most people with seasonal affective disorder, your symptoms start in the fall and may continue into the winter months, sapping your energy and making you feel moody." Relax in the late afternoon or early morning sun for 10 minutes daily. It can lift your mood and aid in sleep.
Turn off the television, go somewhere, and meet someone. This doesn't have to be a romantic connection. Humans are social creatures by nature. Being in contact with people can improve your mood. Studies have shown a correlation between the amount of television watched and intensification of feelings of isolation.
Do something creative. Any type of craft, playing a musical instrument or dancing will increase self-esteem, bring satisfaction and give a sense of accomplishment. Craft suggestions include model building, creating soap and lotion, needlepoint and knitting.
Eat the right foods
Eating the right type of foods can help stave off depression. Fresh fish (pink salmon, tuna and mackerel) have been shown to have positive influences on serotonin production. Serotonin is the brain chemical believed to regulate everything from depression to migraines. A clove of garlic, eaten daily, may slightly help to elevate your mood. Cut back on caffeine, alcohol and junk food.
If you are feeling suicidal, this is not the time to try home remedies. See your physician, visit the local hospital, or call a help line immediately.