Coping Skill for Depression & Stress
Exercise for at least 30 minutes daily to temporarily relieve depression. Cardiovascular exercise increases the heart rate, which releases endorphins in the brain. Endorphins are neurotransmitters that are released in the brain during strenuous activity or when you eat spicy foods, and they produce the feeling of happiness. Exercise can also help you maintain stress, according to the Mayo Clinic, because it may lower a stress hormone called cortisol. Reduce your stress levels by exercising at least 15 minutes daily, which decreases anxiety.
Stress Management
According to, stress can build up when you attempt to take on too many responsibilities and become overwhelmed. Organize a list of tasks and sort them from high to low priority. High-rated tasks are to be taken care of as soon as you can, and low-rated tasks should be placed on the back burner until you are ready. Structure your day-to-day activities to mentally prepare yourself for the day and to avoid stress from being disorganized. By tackling one challenge at a time, you can build confidence and alleviate depression by working through your challenges at your own pace.
Yoga, relaxation and meditation all work similarly for those who suffer from depression and stress. By focusing on what you're doing at the present moment, you can reduce stress and temporarily alter the way you view and deal with your problems. According to The Mindful Way Through Depression, depression requires positive thinking and avoiding the urge to tear down your ideas and others. Meditation attempts to quiet your mind through breathing exercises and centering yourself to listen to one thing at a time, which can alleviate stress and negative thinking.