Lexapro Side Effects in Children
What is Lexapro?
Lexapro is a common drug used for conditions that deal with major depression. Major depression is a steadily low mood that hinders day-to-day functioning. Lexapro can also be used to care for "generalized anxiety disorder, a condition marked by excessive worry and anxiety that is hard to control and interferes with daily life."
Common Side Effects
When a child is prescribed any kind of medication, you must anticipate side effects. Some reported side effects are "Constipation, decreased appetite, decreased sex drive, diarrhea, dizziness, dry mouth, ejaculation disorder, fatigue, flu-like symptoms, headache, impotence, indigestion, insomnia, nausea, runny nose, sinusitis, sleepiness, sweating."
In medical studies, antidepressants have been known to raise the threat of "suicidal thinking and behavior in children and adolescents with depression and other psychiatric disorders." This is why there are not many studies of Lexapro in children or adolescents. When deciding if your child should be placed on Lexapro, you should discuss all possible side effects and way the use verses these side effects against the medical need.
Lexapro is not approved for use in children or adolescents under the age of 18 years of age. Lexapro carries the "black box" warning that states it can cause suicidal thoughts or actions in a number of children.
What Should You Do?
If your child is showing signs of depression, you should take her to see a medical professional as soon as possible. It is a serious issue that should be addressed. Lexapro is not usually used in children; however, discuss this option with your child's doctor to find out if it is a drug your child should try.