Ways to Build Your Self Esteem
EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques, is an psychological form of the ancient art of acupuncture that can help you raise your self esteem. You can do EFT from the privacy of your own home or hire an EFT practitioner to work with you on your core limiting beliefs. Many health care professionals, including Deepak Chopra and Joseph Mercola, endorse EFT.
Go to the website EmoFree and download the free getting started package. It includes a manual to learn EFT on your own, a subscription to the online newsletter and support messages to guide you through the process of learning EFT. Other EFT resources are the websites MyGenie.tv, Tapping.com and ThrivingNow.com.
Visualization helps you let go of the things that are presently causing you to have low self esteem because you temporarily forget how bad things appear to you and focus on your end goals. Visualization is a very powerful tool because you can use it at any time in any place to eradicate negative thoughts, mental stress and anxiety.
Go to websites such as MagicalLiving.com, Brainsync.com and LearningMeditation.com to listen to free guided meditations. Listen to the meditations as many times a day as you can. Write down the images that come into your mind when you listen to the guided meditations and use those to transform your thoughts when you are away from a computer. Over time, you will learn to meditate on your own using the mental pictures that you have formulated.
Choose an exercise that you really enjoy doing and do it for at least 15 minutes every day. Dance, bowl, walk, run, jump on a trampoline or do any other exercise that interests you. Do not do any form of exercise that you do not enjoy during these 15 minutes. Do something that you really like or it will become a chore to you and only serve to lower your self esteem.
Increase the time to 30 minutes, then an hour after you get into this routine. You will find that the more you exercise, the better you feel about yourself.
Self-Care Tips
Remain impeccably groomed at all times to raise your self esteem. Wear your best clothing, if possible, and treat yourself to new clothing even if you must buy it from a thrift store.
Check out websites such as YogaSite.com and YogaWiz.com to learn basic yoga poses to help you achieve better posture, which will in turn help you feel better about yourself.
Replace every negative thought that comes into your mind with a positive thought. For example, if you think "I do not deserve to be happy," immediately replace the thought with "I deserve to be happy because I am a caring, compassionate person."