Tests to Diagnose Depression
Tests to diagnose depression are valuable tools in the hands of mental health professionals, helping them to measure the severity of depression as well as diagnose it. An early diagnosis is helpful, because it allows the depressed individual to recognize the disorder and seek appropriate treatment, before the problem becomes severe, which means the disorder seriously impedes the ability of the individual to hold a job, maintain relationships, or function in everyday life. Suicidal tendencies may be present as well.-
The Facts
There are a number of different mental health screening tests that can help diagnose for depression. In most cases, these tests will be administered by a mental health professional such as a psychiatrist, social worker or psychologist. In addition to diagnosing for depression, some tests are designed to measure the severity of depression or even help discover the underlying causes. While some mental health professionals have found phone interviews to be valuable tools, others still rely on symptoms and other criteria (rather than testing) to make a depression diagnosis.
Though there are a number of variations of tests designed to diagnose depression, one of the most reliable involves a two-part questionnaire. The first question inquires if, during the past month, the individual has been bothered by feeling down, depressed, or hopeless. The second question asks if the individual has been bothered by little interest or pleasure in doing things. The answers given to these two simple questions will determine what the mental health professional or physician does next. However, these two questions, when combined with other depression screening processes, have been shown to be highly effective for detecting most cases of depression.
A variety of depression screening tests are available today. One of the most well-known, and often-used, is the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). A 21-question multiple choice self-test, the BDI measures the severity of depression symptoms and feelings. The Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale is another short test that measures the level of depression. Though longer than the Beck or Zung tests, the Nedley Health Risk Assessment can be especially helpful as a mental health screening test because, in addition to measuring the severity of depression, it highlights the major factors that may be causing depression.
The sooner you receive a diagnosis of depression, the more quickly you can begin treatment from a mental health professional and start to recover from the disorder. By recognizing the early warning signals, you will be better able to deal with the problem before it becomes severe. A quick, simple and private depression test can provide anonymous and quantitative feedback on what an individual is experiencing (see Resources). It may also help to identify symptoms more clearly, providing a starting point for considering whether to seek further help.
Depression is a dangerous disorder, particularly when suicidal tendencies are present. If you are troubled by suicidal thoughts, seek treatment from a qualified professional today.