How to Tell If You're Depressed
Watch for changes in your diet. Has your appetite increased or decreased? People who suffer from chronic Depression tend to either over-eat or under-eat. Depression is a condition of extremes and Depression sufferers often engage in polar extremes not typical of their normal behaviors. A change in appetite is often accompanied by weight gain or weight loss. Changes in appetite is a common symptom of major depression.
Pay attention to your sleeping habits. A person might also be depressed if you notice signs of increased sleep. You may find yourself or someone you love sleeping more than usual or not sleeping at all. They appear not to be enjoying life as much as they used to and they begin to retreat from all the things that they usually find enjoyment in. Drastic changes in behavior and habit are typical signs and indicators of Depression.
Pay attention to your energy levels. Depression may manifest in feelings of constant physical and mental fatigue and lethargy. Depression often comes along with feelings of constant helplessness or hopelessness. A person who is depressed will experience inappropriate feelings and associations of guilt and self-hate. If you or anyone you know is showing any of these signs, it is important to see your doctor today. Your family doctor can refer you to a Psychiatry specialist who can treat your Depression.
Consider therapy. Expect your Psychiatrist to treat your Depression using psychotherapy and/or anti-depression drug therapy. It is important to stay away from alcohol and drugs - which can make Depression worse - and try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a well- balanced diet and getting regular exercise and sleep. Seek supportive relationships and remember that there is nothing to be embarrassed about if you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Depression.