Ways to Deal With Depression
See Your Doctor
Begin with a doctor visit. While the physical and emotional symptoms of depression make it difficult to find the motivation to change anything, overcome feelings of lethargy or apathy and make an appointment. A doctor may find find a physical condition causing the problem. You may need antidepressants or therapy.
Get Exercise
Exercise provides a means of dealing with depression. Start with a daily walk and lead up to more vigorous activities, such as yoga, cycling or swimming. Physical activity has been known to relieve the symptoms of depression, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Try Massage
Try massage and acupuncture treatments. These therapies may reduce depression-related symptoms including headaches, muscle and body aches and pain.
Get Sunlight
Obtain additional exposure to sunlight to lift your mood and help regulate sleeping patterns. Researchers link lack of light or sunlight to certain types of depression, such as seasonal affective disorder.
Modify Your Diet
A healthy diet can help you have more energy, and stable blood sugar levels can stabilize mood. Reduce the intake of saturated fats and refined sugars and increase the amount of fruit, vegetables and water you consume daily. Having 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon daily to balance blood sugar levels and add cayenne pepper and ginger to your meals to improve circulation.
Look Into Supplements
You can use supplements to help you cope with depression, according to the Mayo Clinic. Consult your doctor before taking supplements. These include St. John's Wart and SAM-e. Neither have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as treatments for depression. Omega-3 essential fatty acids can be taken as fish oil or flaxseed oil supplements to improve health and mood.
Seek Support
Seek support in the form of group therapy, a therapist, friends or family. When dealing with depression, know that you are not alone.