Medicines for Depression and Alzheimer's Disease
In addition, the beginning stages of Alzheimer's disease with cognitive impairments can lead to depression in many people. Medication is available to treat symptoms of both conditions.
Since Alzheimer's disease has no known cure, it's important to recognize that the different types of medications will only treat the symptoms and cognitive impairments seen in those with it. Some medications are prescribed to treat the depression in the disease, while others may have benefits in delaying more advanced stages of Alzheimer's disease. The two main types of medications include acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and antidepressant drugs.
Mild Cognitive Impairment
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors such as Razadyne, Aricept, and Exelon are used to treat the mild cognitive impairments (MCI) resulting from Alzheimer's disease. Some of the MCI signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's include memory loss, repeating statements often, and forgetting events and details from recent conversations.
Depression in Alzheimer's
It is common for Alzheimer's disease patients to become depressed because of cognitive impairments and other difficulties that they are experiencing. Antidepressent medications such as Prozac, Celexa, Remeron and Effexor are commonly prescribed for Alzheimer's patients who are experiencing depression. These drugs can help combat feelings of worthlessness, sadness and insomnia.
Alternative Medicines
Several alternative medicines can be effective in treating symptoms of depression and Alzheimer's disease, although they have not officially been endorsed by the Food and Drug Administration. Examples of some alternative treatments include:
Ginkgo biloba--This is a plant extract that can have a positive affect on the cognitive symptoms of Alzheimer's disease; it has also been shown to have an affect on depressive symptoms.
Huperzine A--This moss extract routinely used in Chinese medicine can have similar effects of acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors.
Omega-3 fatty acids--Supplements and foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA and EPA have been linked to improvements in depression symptoms and cognitive decline.
Together, the different types of medications for Alzheimer's disease can result in decreased depressive symptoms and an improved quality of life overall for the patient. Even though there is no known cure for Alzheimer's to date, treating the depression and MCI symptoms with prescription medications can help both patients and family members cope with the disease.