Ways to Fight Depression
Good Nutrition
Even though you are depressed, try to eat well. If your depression is making your appetite disappear, try to maintain good nourishment, even if all you have is a bowl of soup, some toast and fresh fruit. Depression has a physical component, so healthy eating can begin to help you gain some needed energy and improve your down mood. If you tend to overeat when you become depressed, try to limit yourself to healthy food choices, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean meats and fish.
Stay in Good Health
If you are physically ill, work your way back to good health. Patients with physical illnesses are more likely to be depressed as well. Your physical illness(es) can cause you to become irritable and feel slow and sluggish. If you eat well, your body will respond in a positive manner. Get a sufficient amount of sleep every night. Once your body begins to respond to good nutrition and healthy sleep habits, you may be able to improve your mood.
Instead of sitting on the couch or staying in bed, get up and go for a brisk walk. If you prefer, you can participate in aerobic dance or go for a good bike ride. When you are depressed, you don't feel like participating in physical exercise. However, there are benefits to physical activity. The endorphins your brain releases as a response to physical exercise may help you change your outlook and mood for the positive. Check out some yoga poses. You might be surprised that you feel better.
Know Your Troubles
Try to understand what is making you feel bad, but don't obsess over these issues. Once you have identified them, ask someone you trust if you can talk about these issues with her. Simply talking about what is making you depressed can help you because you are gaining the understanding of a friend.
If you prefer, you can write about what is making you down in a journal. As with talking to a friend, writing down your problems can help you see those issues more clearly and you'll feel better. After talking about your problems or writing them down, find a way to take action to alleviate these issues.
Express Your Feelings
Even if you are depressed, try to find an artistic way to express yourself. Whether you consider yourself to be artistic or not, find a creative way of getting your feelings out with drawing, doodling, writing a poem, painting, dancing or sewing. As you are creating, you are getting in touch with your creative side and getting back in touch with the "good" feelings, such as satisfaction. Find something that makes you laugh. If you like comedy, watch a comic's routine on television.