Herbs for Stress & Depression
The symptoms of depression and stress can vary from person to person. They usually include a sense of helplessness and hopelessness and a lack of interest in daily life. Fatigue, irritability and a change in appetite often accompany depression. Muscle aches and pain along with headaches and an upset stomach are other common physical symptoms associated with both stress and depression.
St. John's wort is one of the most popular herbs for treating depression. It is used to alleviate feelings of exhaustion and tension and can be taken on a daily basis over an extended period of time to treat the symptoms of depression. Another natural remedy for depression is Siberian ginseng. It balances neurotransmitters in the brain such as serotonin and dopamine, improving mood and sense of well-being. It helps you to adjust and cope with life's stresses and balances blood sugar levels.
Lemon balm calms the nerves and helps to relieve tension in the body, the muscles and the stomach. It has a soothing, relaxing effect and is useful for treating stress and anxiety. Lavender is also used as a relaxant. It has antidepressant qualities and is used to alleviate anxiety and improve your mood. Valerian root is used as a pain killer and a way to treat anxiety and stress. It can help to alleviate insomnia.
Ginkgo biloba improves circulation through the brain and improves concentration, focus and memory. It is often useful for relieving depression in the elderly as it is known to alleviate the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Rosemary is also a good tonic for the nervous system and improves circulation. Scullcap is also used as a tonic for the nervous system and is known to relieve nervous exhaustion.
The most convenient way to take herbs is in capsule form. In this case, the herbs are dried, crushed and enclosed in a capsule or compressed into tablet form. A lot of water is necessary when taking herbs in this form as the herbs have a tendency to absorb water in the body. Alternatively you can place one teaspoon of the herb of your choice in a cup of boiled water. Allow it to steep for three to five minutes. Strain it, then drink the tea.