Natural Ways to Treat Depression
Yoga, Meditation and Acupuncture
Consider alternative techniques that range from ancient to unusual. The breathing techniques required during yoga and meditation are designed to connect you to your body and intensify your awareness. They also help you relax and increase oxygen intake. Relaxation is critical to decreasing stress hormones in the body that contribute to and intensify depression. Yoga and meditation both help lower blood pressure and alleviate muscle tension.
Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese medicine practice that involves tapping needles into specific points of the body, is believed by Chinese practitioners to help battle a number of maladies and diseases, including depression. Acupuncture is designed to signal chemical releases in the body known to alleviate pain, and can also help balance imbalanced chemicals. If you're interested in acupuncture, schedule an appointment with a licensed professional. Don't attempt to perform acupuncture on yourself.
Diet and Nutrition
Be aware of what you eat, and what you don't. Your diet has a direct impact on your mental capacity, including emotional reactions. Combining conscious diet choices with regular exercise and meditation help alleviate symptoms of depression. Eat foods high in vitamins C, D, E and beta-carotene. Foods high in carbohydrates, such as whole grain breads and pastas and beans, release serotonin into the brain, which creates a calming affect. Avoid carbohydrates high in sugar, which tend to cause the body to crash after the sugar high wears off. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, leafy green vegetables and a variety of nuts contribute to healthy brain activity and alleviate symptoms of depression. Avoid overindulging in caffeine, as caffeine has been known to increase anxiety and make it difficult to get a good night's sleep.
Herbal Supplements
Try herbal remedies, but consult a doctor first. St. John's Wort, gingko biloba, SAM-e and Siberian ginseng are all herbal supplements that have been linked to natural depression treatment. Herbal remedies are readily available over the counter, but check with a physician before buying any and beginning a treatment regimen. Some pre-existing health conditions and medications may interact with herbal remedies.