Signs of Depression in Teenagers
According to Mental Health America, recent surveys indicate that as many as one in five teens suffer from clinical depression. Teen depression can be difficult to diagnose because we expect teens to be a bit rebellious and moody.
Causes of Depression
Depression can be caused by several factors. These factors can include the parents divorcing, loss of a loved one, social issues, moving, changing schools, genetics and some medical conditions.
Signs of Depression
Depression can have many different signs. The signs can include sadness, hopelessness, no enthusiasm, anger, no energy, restlessness, agitation, lack of motivation, low self-esteem, changes in eating or sleeping habits, withdrawal from friends, no interest in normal activities and bad school performance. If these symptoms last more than two weeks, it could be an indication of depression.
Depression can cause a teen to act out in several ways. He may become suicidal, exhibit reckless behavior, run away, start abusing drugs or alcohol or become violent.
There are medications that can help teenagers suffering from depression. Antidepressants can cause teens to have thoughts of suicide and need to be administered with the close supervision of a physician.
Depressed teens need the support of family and friends. Knowing that they have someone to talk to who will listen without judging them can be helpful.