Antidepressant Medicines & Side Effects
Within the past several years, researchers have concluded that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Because of this, medications have been designed to relieve those with depression of the symptoms. This class of medication is known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRI. There are several different SSRI medications available, including Citalopram, Paroxetine, Escitalopram, Fluvoxamine, and Fluoxetine. Each of these medications alters the release of serotonin, a chemical found within your brain. This chemical mainly effects your mood, and if unbalanced, can cause depression. The medication works to regulate serotonin so that you may experience normal moods, rather than a constant feeling of depression.
Citalopram, more commonly known as Celexa, is an antidepressant that treats general depression. Celexa has a large series of reported side effects, ranging from minor to major. The following are the side effects associated with this medication:
1. Nausea and vomiting
2. Insomnia
3. Sweating
4. Tremors
5. Diarrhea
6. Problems ejaculating
7. Tiredness
8. Dry mouth
9. Upper respiratory infections
10. Anxiety
11. Decrease in appetite
12. Erectile dysfunction
13. Stomach pain
14. Fever
15. Heartburn
16. Indigestion
17. Sinus infection
18. Muscle pain
19. Sex drive decrease
20. Suicidal behavior
21. Restlessness
22. Irritability
23. Chest palpitations
24. Serotonin syndrome
25. Hypertension
26. Hypothyroidism
27. Diabetes
28. Heart failure
29. Asthma
30. Atrial fibrillation
31. Kidney stones
Paroxetine, or Paxil, is a medication used to treat severe depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders. The side effects include:
1. Anxiety
2. Decreased sex drive
3. Change in appetite
4. Burning sensations
5. Changes in weight
6. Irregular heartbeat
7. Muscle pain
8. Rash
9. Difficulty speaking
10. Decrease in muscle movement
11. Difficult eye movement
12. Shivering
13. Lack of energy
14. Serotonin syndrome
15. Excessive sweating
16. Suicidal behavior
Escitalopram, also known as Lexapro, is used to treat general anxiety and depression. Some of the side effects reported from this medication are:
1. Restlessness
2. Sexual difficulties
3. Shaking
4. Changes in weight
5. Suicidal behavior
6. Tiredness
7. Anxiety
8. Dizziness
9. Irritability
10. Serotonin disorder
11. Headaches
12. Indigestion
13. Blurred vision
14. Indigestion
15. Nausea
Fluvoxamie, also known as Luvox CR, is used to treat several mental disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder and depression. Some of the reported side effects are:
1. Constipation
2. Dry mouth
3. Dizziness
4. Diarrhea
5. Nervousness
6. Weakness
7. Stuffy nose
8. Insomnia
9. Strange behavior
10. Blood in stool
11. Fainting
12. Irregular heartbeat
13. Hallucinations
14. Seizures
15. Painful erections
16. Mood swings
17. Vision changes
18. Trouble breathing
Fluoxetine is commonly known as Prozac. It is used to treat severe depression and other related mental disorders. The following side effects have been reported while taking this medication:
1. Suicidal behavior
2. Anxiety
3. Mood swings
4. Confusion
5. Irregular heartbeat
6. Seizures
7. Coma
8. Fever
9. Hallucinations
10. Nausea
11. Vomiting
12. Changes in blood pressure
13. Insomnia
14. Allergic reaction
15. Restlessness
All antidepressant medications have a chance of causing suicidal tendencies in adolescents under the age of 18. If your child is depressed, you should consult your doctors on the options available to you.