What to Do If Someone You Know Is Suicidal?
Be willing to listen to this person that is talking about ending their life. You can let this person know you are concerned about her and give some specific reasons why.
Do not partake in an argument with people who are suicidal. Let them know that they are not alone in feeling this way and that there are ways to get help for these feelings. Explain to them that suicidal feelings are temporary and that although they are feeling this way now, they may not tomorrow. Avoid telling them that they will hurt their family by committing suicide, they are in enough distress already and do not need to deal with guilty feelings on top of this. Do not tell them they have so much to live for because at this point they do not feel this way.
Never make a pact to keep a person's thoughts of suicide a secret. No matter how much he insists and tells you he will never speak to you again if you say anything about this, call a professional for help. When a friend tells you he is contemplating suicide, this is a request for help.
Contact a Professional
Ask this person if she is seeing a therapist. If she is seeing a therapist, you can stay with this person while she contacts the therapist. If this person is unavailable you would need to call your local crisis intervention phone number. This can be found by calling your local hospital's emergency room. Explain to the crisis therapist your concerns before handing over the phone to the suicidal person. This will avoid any possible omissions from the person who is suicidal and also make it easier for the crisis therapist to ask the appropriate questions. The therapist will tell you what steps need to be taken next.
Crisis Intervention
If this is an acute crisis where this person is in immediate danger of attempting suicide, then do not leave him alone. If he is talking about a way to do this or if he has a plan in place already, this is a sign that he is in immediate danger.
Remove any firearms, drugs or sharp objects from the vicinity when this threat is made apparent.
Take this person to an emergency room for immediate attention. If this person becomes out of control or you feel it is unsafe to transport him in anyway, do not hesitate to call 911. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) is a resource that can help you immediately when making decisions on what you should do.