Best Ways to Prevent Depression
Regular exercise prevents depression because it affects hormones that regulate mood. According to the Mayo Clinic, exercise boosts endorphins, reduces stress levels and anxiety, promotes better sleep, and increases confidence. Exercise helps you develop a healthy approach to negative life experiences. A simple 30-minute walk reduces stress and uplifts emotion, and you can do this activity anywhere. Take a walk around your neighborhood after work or if gloomy feelings develop. Cardio kickboxing and spinning classes help release frustration. Spinning is an aerobic workout on stationary bikes. Pick an activity that you enjoy. Schedule cardio workouts at least five times a week and strength training twice a week.
Consume Nutrients
Eat a healthy diet to prevent depression. According to the British Dietetic Association website, a healthy diet fuels the body and protects mental health. Eat whole grains, fruits and vegetables because these foods digest slowly and stabilize glucose levels in the brain. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables to get different vitamins and minerals. Consume foods containing omega-3 fatty acids to help neurotransmitters that affect mood. Salmon and cold-water fish contain omega-3 fatty acids. Eat flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds and walnuts or take a supplement if you don't like fish.
Reduce Refined Foods
Consume refined carbohydrates sparingly. These foods cause sudden spikes and dips in blood sugar levels, which lead to depression, fatigue and anxiety. Prevent depression by not relying on these foods for energy. Avoid caffeine and alcohol because they act like a depressant in the brain and increase stress hormones in the body. Eat a piece of fruit or nuts to give you energy during the afternoon workday slump to keep blood sugar levels balanced.
Form Social Network
Get together with friends and family members. Keeping a social network helps you prevent depression because these people support you. Set aside time to spend together. Find activities that you all enjoy and make them a regular part of your schedule. Get together and cook meals and play games. Go out and dance or sing karaoke. Call these friends if you feel depression symptoms developing. People with a supportive network often feel less isolated and lonely.