Liver Detox & Depression
There are various amounts of toxins and chemicals in our bodies at any given time; these toxins are processed by the liver. Considering that there is a well-known connection between the mind and the body, the presence of toxins can have a negative affect on one's mental health. Removal of these toxins on a regular basis has been found to be effective in decreasing symptoms of depression.
Liver Function
The liver is the primary organ that eliminates toxins and naturally cleanses the body. It filters bacteria, fungi and parasites from the blood; metabolizes drugs, fats and protein; manufactures enzymes; and produces cholesterol and hormones, among other functions. An overly toxic liver can lead to chronic fatigue, illness and depression. By cleansing, or detoxifying, the liver, the entire body, including the brain, will function at its highest capacity. When you are physically healthy, you will feel better mentally as well.
Liver Detox
Detox of the liver is considered to be a natural remedy for depression by naturopathic physicians. Among the best ways to go about liver detox is to reduce your intake of processed and preserved foods; eating fresh and raw whole foods leads to a more efficient breakdown of toxins by the liver. Stop imbibing alcohol, coffee and soft drinks, along with the intake of tobacco and refined sugar; all of these substances make it more difficult for optimal liver function to occur.
Detoxifying Nutrients
It is possible to help detox your liver through nutrients found in nutritional supplements. Try black-currant-seed oil for its bioflavanoids or borage oil for carotenes. Evening primrose oil will supply you with folic acid and iron, while milk thistle provides vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, K and zinc. Additionally, turmeric has been recommended by Ayurvedic practitioners to boost liver health since it increases bile flow, cleansing the liver and rejuvenating liver cells, recharging their ability to break down toxins.
Benefits of Liver Detox
Greater mental clarity, increases in energy and better moods have been experienced by depressed persons after a liver detox. In addition, patients will experience an elimination of certain chemical sensitivities and allergies, restore the balance of their immune systems, improve digestion, and increase their mental health in general.
Other Detox Methods
Depressed patients are also urged to get at least 20 minutes of cardiovascular exercise each day in order to induce detoxification through sweat. Drinking an average of half your body weight in ounces of water each day will also aid in the filtering process of toxins.