Facts About Depression in Teens

Recognizing depression in teenagers can often be difficult because the years are full of changes that can cause them to be moody. Undiagnosed teenage depression can lead to substance abuse, or suicidal thoughts or behavior. Depression in teens is treatable.
  1. Symptoms of Depression

    • Depression symptoms include uncontrollable sadness and feelings of emptiness. Loss of interest in activities that once were enjoyable, difficulty concentrating and often thoughts of death or suicide are symptoms of depression.

    Signs To Look For

    • Increased withdrawal from family and friends, changes in hygiene, sleeping more and loss of appetite or overeating can be signs of depression. Problems with school attendance, grades, or the use of alcohol or drugs can also be a sign of depression in a teen.


    • Treatment of depression in teens includes antidepressant medication and therapy. Therapy can be individual and family.

    Risk Factors

    • Teens who suffer from depression might have a family history of substance abuse or mental illness. Environmental factors such as the death of a loved one, divorce or separation, or other stressful family situations can lead to a teenager suffering from depression.


    • According to the National Institute of Mental Health, antidepressant use by teens should be monitored and evaluated often during the first few months of treatment. If new or worsening symptoms develop, your doctor should be contacted immediately.

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