How to Cope With Acute Clinical Depression
What to Do If You Feel Down For Too Long
Seek emotional and spiritual help from a clergyman, guidance counselor, psychologist, or even some of your most trusted friends and relatives. Communication is key to letting others know that your depression is not really a "major character flaw" or "weakness."
Think about what really matters in life. The people around you might persuade you to pick up a hobby or interest that has more therapeutic benefits than you thought first.
Consider seeing a good psychiatrist or other doctor who can prescribe medication. If the medication is not effective, he or she might suggest an alternative remedy such as green tea, vitamins, Saint-John's-wort, or organic cranberry juice.
Try to re-establish your creative juices. Although some of the most creative and talented people in history, like Hemingway, Pollack, Steinbeck, eventually failed to cope with their worsening depression, you have enough cultural and social resources to channel your thoughts and feelings about your depression, whether it's through art/painting, writing, song, or even YouTube or Twitter!
Acquiring a pet can help. Dogs and cats are an often overlooked treatment for clinical depression.
Take up yoga or Pilates. While other exercises like weight training, cycling, hiking, boating, and boxing can improve your frame of mind or stamina in the long run, less aggressive sports activities can allow you to meditate or think past your problems more easily.