Drugs for Treating Depression Naturally
Fight Depression Naturally
The physical and chemical imbalances that can lead to feelings of depression have many natural causes and remedies. Lack of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutritional necessities can bring on depression, so your first step should be to purchase good vitamins and nutritional supplements. Look for a Vitamin B supplement first, containing B6, B12 and folic acids or find a multivitamin that contains all of these varieties. A multivitamin is a good idea for those who want to minimize the amount of pills they take each day, as it is prebalanced for safe consumption.
Target your individual symptoms and diagnoses by selecting the vitamin which best assists in your personal case. If you are suffering from mood disorders, anxiety, or problems sleeping, try a B1 vitamin. For those suffering from symptoms like aggression or irritability, due to anxiety or the feeling that your mood is constantly changing, consider getting B2 or B3 vitamins. If your depression is manifesting itself as physical irritation, such as allergies and fatigue, a B5 vitamin should be on your list of supplements to purchase. For more generic concerns, the B6 vitamin is the most common supplement and one of the most effective as well. Likewise, B12 can be taken alone to combat severe feelings of sadness and low moods, as well as the other typical symptoms. Always ask your doctor about what dosage and combination of vitamins is right for you, especially if you are taking any additional, non-natural, drugs.
Most supplements are taken once a day, unless specified by your doctor. When beginning a natural regimen you should try to supplement your intake with a good diet and exercise, which can rapidly advance your feelings of recovery and contentment. Meditation, yoga, a balanced diet and good sleeping habits are a great place to start.