Analogies on Depression & Pain
When depression was first being studied by researchers, it was assumed the disorder was an emotional or mental problem. It was not until modern medical science began finding links between neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) and depression that physicians finally understood depression was a medically based chemical imbalance, rather than a mental or emotional disorder.
Science has recently begun to understand the chemical mechanisms behind depression. Scientists were able to develop medications to treat this widespread disorder. Depression has existed since the beginning of humanity, but until recent decades, was attributed to other causes. Medical researchers have discovered the link between the same chemical imbalances that cause depression and pain disorders such as fibromyalgia, neuropathy (nerve pain) and chronic headaches.
Tricyclic antidepressants such as Venlafaxine and Imipramine have been shown to treat depression and chronic pain syndromes at the same time. According to Drs. Michael W. Jann and Julian H. Slade from Mercer University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Atlanta, Georgia, there is a link between depression and chronic pain syndromes. In a double-blind study on the tricyclic antidepressants Venlafaxine and Imipramine, it was noted that not only was depression alleviated, but chronic pain syndromes that accompanied this disorder were dramatically improved as well (see Resources).
A misconception about depression and pain syndromes is that they are somehow created by the sufferer. Science has now discovered that these disorders are real, treatable, medically based imbalances that are easily treated with the proper medication, diet and lifestyle change.
If you recognize that depression and pain are symptoms in your life, there could be a link between the two. Medications are designed to not only treat the chemical imbalance that causes depression, but the chemical imbalance that leads to increased and unexplainable pain syndromes. The first step is to become knowledgeable on the possible link between depression and physical pain. The second step is to approach your health care provider with these concerns, and discuss medically based solutions. You can also discuss natural health care alternatives that can be found in fish oil, flax seed oil, or other foods and supplements high in omega-3 fatty acids (see References).