Natural Ways to Help With Depression

Depression is a serious health condition that affects people of all ages. Clinically depressed people suffer from symptoms such as anxiety, mood swings, low self esteem, loss of interest in formerly enjoyable activities and emotional despair. Depression is harmful to the person suffering from these symptoms as well as those around him or her. It is important to take active steps to treat this condition. While prescription pills can help, there are many associated risks and side effects. It is generally a good idea to start with some risk-free natural treatments while consulting a medical professional for further advice.
  1. Herbal Supplements

    • Herbal remedies are often effective in treating minor symptoms of depression. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, most studies have shown that herbs like St. John's Wort and Valerian help in reducing mild to moderate depression if taken regularly. St. John's Wort has long been recognized as a useful herbal supplement for improving mood, and Valerian root extract is also known to reduce anxiety. Both these herbs can be taken in pill form and are available for purchase without a prescription at most drug stores and supermarkets.


    • Exercise is not the ultimate cure for depression, but it can go a long way toward decreasing the negative symptoms associated with this condition. Dr. Vickers-Douglas of the Mayo Clinic states that exercise can improve one's mood by stimulating neurotransmitters in the brain. Endorphins are also released, creating a sense of well-being. Exercise has also been shown to lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone in the body. Not only will exercise help you get into shape, but it will also give you an increased sense of confidence and a healthy distraction from other problems. In terms of dealing with depression, staying physically active with an exercise routine is an excellent coping strategy.


    • You are what you eat, and certain foods can have a positive or negative impact on people suffering from depression. Processed foods with artificial ingredients should be avoided. The toxins and chemical compounds in such foods can make you feel sluggish and further deteriorate your mood. Natural foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts and seafood are all good choices when dieting for depression. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that help your body and brain function better. Nuts have protein, which can help boost your energy level. Seafood such as salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids. This nutrient plays a role in regulating mood and helping to neutralize anxiety and hostility over time if consumed regularly.

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