Bach Flower Remedies for Depression
Self-Treat or See a Practitioner
Diagnose and treat yourself or go to a naturopath or trained Bach flower remedy practitioner. To treat yourself, choose the remedy that fits your concerns most closely and follow the directions on the package. They are considered safe, are not habit-forming and you cannot overdose. The remedies can also be safely given to pets.
Selecting a Remedy
First determine which remedies are appropriate for your situation. There are a wide range of feelings that can be considered depression. The Bach Flower Remedies allow you to target specific feelings and unbalances. Select one or more from the list below.
Specific Remedies and Their Qualities
Agrimony is for people who suffer silently with inner anguish and despair. It teaches facing emotions and expressing them.
Cherry plum is recommended for those who feel fearful of things either real or imaginary.
Elm is good for those who feel overwhelmed and exhausted by the things they need to do.
Gentian is for feelings of doubt or discouragement and teaches confidence and enthusiasm.
Gorse is helpful for a sense of despair or hopelessness and teaches confidence.
Honeysuckle may be chosen for overwhelming thoughts of the past and teaches how to live fully in the present.
Mustard relieves feelings of sadness, gloom or ineffectuality without cause.
Rescue Remedy is for crisis. It is useful to stabilize emotions in emergencies, for shock, stress or acute anxiety.
Sweet chestnut is recommended to relieve feelings of bleak despair.
Wild rose is recommended for apathy, drifting or resignation and teaches enthusiasm.
Willow is recommended for depression caused by resentment or self-pity and teaches taking responsibility for one's own life.
How to Take the Drops
Follow the directions on the bottle. Take four drops four times a day either directly in the mouth or diluted in water. Good times to take the drops are upon rising, before lunch, at the end of the workday, and before going to bed. You may feel some effects quickly, while it may take time for the entire situation to resolve itself. Take the drops regularly for a period of time for best results.