Techniques for Overcoming Depression
Healthy Lifestyle
Diet, exercise, and regular sleep patterns can do wonders when fighting depression. Some of the best food to eat are those containing omega-3 fatty acids. A thousand milligrams of omega-3s daily help support the neuron connections in the brain. Fresh fish are the best way to obtain this, but it can also be found in supplement form. Exercise is also a way to get a "high", or good, feelings. Cardiovascular activities release endorphins which aid in the feeling of happiness after a workout. It also helps relieve stress. Find an activity you enjoy such as swimming, bicycling, running or walking. Lastly, keep regular sleep habits to enjoy a good nights rest. Erratic sleep times contribute to moodiness and lethargy. Try to partake in relaxing activities like reading or taking a bath before bed. Do not drink caffeine or alcohol or work late at night. Your body must be in a restful state to get the best sleep.
Let The Sun Shine!
Going out into the sun naturally restores a good mood. The circadian rhythm dates back to our caveman ancestors of getting up at sunrise and going to sleep at sunset. Our bodies must be exposed to sunlight every day to keep the internal clock working regularly. If you can combine a social outdoor activity with exposure to sunlight, that will dramatically uplift spirits. The feeling of isolation contributes greatly to feelings of depression. This will fade if you do something simple like going to have coffee or a meal with friends. Seeing a movie or watching a game with others is also helpful. Humans need contact with other humans so face-to-face interaction will reduce feelings of loneliness.
Think Positive Thoughts
Do not dwell on negative thoughts or circumstances. It is easy to forget the good things that happen to us and focus on the bad. However, you must train yourself not to harp on unfortunate events. This can range from having a fight with a spouse to an angry driver who cursed at you in traffic. Just say to yourself "Stop this" when you begin to think about these things. In the beginning, it may be difficult depending on how predisposed you are to think about negative occurrences. Just continue to tell yourself to stop anytime you begin to think about them or become angry. This habit will improve your life and increase happiness.