Natural Relief for Depression
Many people who suffer with depression prefer to avoid the side effects associated with conventional antidepressants, such as weight gain and insomnia. Try a less invasive approach with nutrients and herbs. 5- hydroxytrytophan is very useful for helping the body produce serotonin. Likewise, l-tyrosine and s-adenosylmethionin reduce stress, boost adrenaline and help raise dopamine levels. Do not take these nutrients if you are taking antidepressants. To support your adrenal glands, take Sub-Adrene. Vitamin B has a great success rate of helping people who are depressed. You can either take a supplement or schedule and appointment for your doctor to give you an injection. Numerous sufferers have found to be deficient in zinc. Take up to 50 mg a day, but never go over 100 mg. Other important nutrients to try are choline, calcium, chromium, and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.
If you experience poor digestive health due to your depression, you can relieve pain with lemon balm. Kava kava is a popular herb for reducing anxiety. Be mindful when using this herb that it will make your drowsy, so it's best to use at home or before you sleep. St. John's wort works the same way as monoamine oxidase inhibotors, which are found in some antidepressants. Do not take St. John's wort if you are on antidepressants or are pregnant. Other depression-reducing herbs include ginkgo biloba, oat straw, peppermint and ginger. If you are taking licorice everyday, stop after a week or you can elevate your blood pressure.
Refrain from going on any fad diets while managing your depression. Complex carbohydrates are essential for boosting serotonin levels. Get your fill of carbohydrates without refined flour. Eat brown rice, wheat pasta, whole grain breads and oatmeal. Be sure to eat a lot of omega-3 foods like salmon, nuts, seeds, tuna and mackerel. Do not eat sugar. Eliminate it from your diet. Sugar fluctuations cause many people severe depression. Avoid anything with aspartame. This additive prevents the formation of serotonin. Have well-balanced meals full of fruits, vegetables, lean eats, low fat dairy and whole grains.
Schedule an allergy test with your doctor. Gluten allergies cause depression. Keep a journal to record your steps in breaking from your depression.
Make some life changes and take stress-relieving classes like yoga or pilates. Give yourself the chance to rid yourself from your depressive state.