Treatment Modalities for Depression

Depression often interrupts daily functioning. Sufferers withdraw from social activities, severe change in weight, feelings of low self-esteem or sadness, trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating, agitation, fatigue and suicidal thoughts, which are some of the more common symptoms of depression. There are several treatment modalities commonly used for overcoming depression. Each of these treatments utilize psychotherapy practices in varying way.
  1. Initial

    • Cognitive therapy pinpoints the areas of negative thoughts and attempts to replace them. Behavioral therapy assists a person in attempting to decrease depression by changing their behavior. Scientific principles are applied to focus and educate the individual about their non-productive behaviors.


    • Logotherapy is applied after initial therapies have begun to show results. Logotherapy focuses on attempting to give the individual a reason for getting up in the morning. It aims to decrease re-lapses by teaching the patient how to have a more fulfilling life. Other therapies focus on healing and decreasing the likelihood of re-occurrence. Patients are encouraged to examine their life choices and the resulting relationships through existential therapy. Sub-consciously, the healing process is harder to achieve. Patients can be taught how to enter relaxed states in order to free their sub-conscious from negative thoughts. An extreme treatment can alter one's brain waves so assist the person's in discovering a more balanced life.


    • Traditional talk therapies should continue until both you and your therapist are positive the depression is gone. In addition to therapies, to fully heal yourself from a bout of depression, increase exercise. Decrease your caffeine and alcohol intake. Take more breaks from work or family pressures. Read self-help books or join a group of similar affected people.

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