Using Light to Cure Depression
Use the proper equipment to benefit from light therapy. Full spectrum lighting and ultraviolet lighting are not effective. Fluorescent lighting must be used in the range of 2,500 to 10,000 lux. The fluorescent light is placed inside of a light box that you sit in front of for a specified number of minutes each day.
Customize your light exposure according to your response. Your initial treatment might be to sit in front of a 10,000 lux light box for one hour each morning. The light box sits on your desk like a computer screen, and you go about your business of reading or writing while sitting in front of it. Your eyes need to be open, but you do not stare at the light box. If this is going to work for you, you will see results in three to five days. If it does not, you may need to sit in front of the light for two hours. You may get by with as little as 30 minutes. For best results you should begin light therapy in the fall and use your light box every day until spring when the days are longer again.
Consult your doctor first if you have eye problems or are sensitive to light. If your depression does not improve after using the light box, you may need to add medication and therapy to your treatment plan. Light boxes can be purchased over the Internet without a prescription, but beware of cheap units that have not been tested for safety or effectiveness. Do not rely on self treatment with a light box if you have suicidal thoughts or severe depression. Side effects may include eye irritation, sleep problems and headaches. People with bipolar disorder should be cautious with light therapy because it can induce a mild manic state in these patients.
Dawn Simulation
Use light to treat your depression while you are sleeping with dawn simulation. This device is operated by a timer that turns a light on during the final phase of your sleep cycle. It simulates dawn in early spring. This type of light therapy is currently under study. It is believed that light therapy has the greatest benefit if the light falls upon open eyes rather than your skin. However, preliminary results with the dawn- simulation technique show promise in treating depression.