Depression Relief Tips
Confide in Someone You Trust
It's important to share how you feel with someone you trust. You will need support to help you get through this difficult time.
See Your Doctor
You may wonder whether you're just experiencing a normal case of the blues or clinical depression. Depression usually occurs over a longer period of time and you may have certain symptoms like sleep pattern changes, noticeable changes in appetite and weight, a lack of enjoyment of things you used to love, problems concentrating, and feelings of worthlessness and isolation. If you're not sure about what you're going through, you should visit a doctor to find out what type of treatment might help.
Adopt Healthy Habits
It may be difficult, but try getting at least eight hours of sleep and eating regular, healthy meals. Try to eat something every three to four hours to maintain a normal blood-sugar level. Take a short walk in the sunshine each day. For some, depression is triggered by a lack of sunlight during the winter (i.e., seasonal affective disorder). Sunlight can have a profound effect on your mood.
Join a Support Group
It can help to be around others who know what you're dealing with. Joining a group will also help you deal with feelings of isolation. You will have an opportunity to share your own painful experiences, and offer advice to others.
Do Things You Enjoy
Although you can't make yourself have a good time, it's good to do some of the things you used to enjoy, maybe hiking, running, painting or writing. Get together with friends now and then. If you're invited out, go, even though you might feel like staying home alone.