Behavior Modification Therapy for Depression
Addressing a person's lifestyle can be the first step in curing depression. People with poor eating habits and a lack of exercise can be prone to depression as they have no outlet for their stress. Making a concerted effort to eat well can provide people with regulated moods by eliminating blood sugar highs and lows that set people up for depression. Some people also have food allergies that can contribute to an ill, depressed feeling. An elimination diet may help you find foods that contribute to your depression.
Similarly, regular exercise can be a huge stress release that also increases endorphin release, which elevates mood. Activities as simple as going for a walk may help some people, while others may need a more intense workout such as kickboxing. Yoga has become a commonly used stress reducer and is now available at most gyms. Making exercise a part of your daily routine requires some effort if you are not used to working out, but the benefits of sticking with it can be invaluable.
Removing yourself from stressful relationships can also be of help. Some people enjoy drama and prefer to live in a state of panic; just being around these people can create conflict and add problems to your life. Often it is necessary to evaluate the friendships and places you frequent and remove people or places that add to your depression. If it is impossible to remove these people completely, try limiting your time with them as much as possible.
Other Tips
Alcohol can increase depression as it has a sedating effect and should be limited or avoided completely. This can be hard to do as it also has physically addicting properties that may cause withdrawal symptoms worsening your depression. Seeking professional help may be needed to stop your alcohol addiction.
Sunlight can be a huge mood elevator, especially for people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder. Trying to spend time outside can elevate the mood and increase a person's interaction with others. This could be as simple as taking a walk around the block or joining an amateur sports team.