Grief Counseling Techniques for Children
The Emotions of Children Dealing With Loss
A parent's job is to be aware of a child's reactions and be attuned to their needs. In spite of your own obvious pain from loss, it is crucial to be solicitous to your children's needs, as well. The relatives should focus on spending time with the children and allow them to express freely and openly their pain. It is imperative to have total understanding for their thought and emotions. To a child, their world of stability has been stolen and they must find a way to express their emotions that can most likely include anger. It may manifest itself in the form of nightmares, rambunctiousness, or they can become shy, quiet and altogether shut down. They may revert to infantile behavior and require an excessive amount of attention. They may be suffering from feelings of guilt if they are left with regrets about their relationship with the lost loved one. They may withdraw from friends, lose sleep or their appetite, or they may even speak of wanting to be with the lost loved one in heaven. If signs of depression are evident, then a counselor must be sought.
How to Help Children Deal With Loss
It is crucial that children who are suffering through loss be allowed to express how they are truly feeling. Do not try to tell them that they should not feel sad. They should be allowed to feel what they are feeling and to know that it is natural. It is necessary that they be allowed to run the gamut of emotions, just like adults do. Encourage them to emote and to express what they are feeling in their heart. Be a steady presence for them. Have them tell happy stories about their times with the lost loved one. Have them express their thoughts through drawings or music. It can have healing effects.
The Healing Benefits of The Funeral Process
Allow them to take an active role in the planning of the funeral or memorial service. The funeral will help them to understand the finality and to come to terms with the loss. Answer all their questions openly and honestly. Know that it is acceptable to cry in front of the children. It is acknowledging to them that it is okay to release the emotions in hopes for peaceful resolution that will last throughout their lives.